In 2026, humanity is spurred onward to destruction by radical fundamentalists. Nike, Amir, and Leyla, three remarkable Yugoslav orphans, join hands to survive a world that seems determined to wipe out thought, science, culture and memory.
This haunting, prescient masterpiece is beautifully painted by award-winning creator Enki Bilal, famed artist for Heavy Metal Magazine, The Nikopol Trilogy, and Exterminator 17.
"A beautiful, brooding retro-future world rendered in gothic gloom and streaks of rich startling color... Bilal has used the grim events of contemporary life to create a gripping work of allegorical scifi." -Publisher's Weekly
In 2026, humanity is spurred onward to destruction by radical fundamentalists. Nike, Amir, and Leyla, three remarkable Yugoslav orphans, join hands to survive a world that seems determined to wipe out thought, science, culture and memory.
This haunting, prescient masterpiece is beautifully painted by award-winning creator Enki Bilal, famed artist for Heavy Metal Magazine, The Nikopol Trilogy, and Exterminator 17.
"A beautiful, brooding retro-future world rendered in gothic gloom and streaks of rich startling color... Bilal has used the grim events of contemporary life to create a gripping work of allegorical scifi." -Publisher's Weekly