In 1018 AD, while secretly aiding the Christian forces against the Moors of Spain, the Flambeau of Val-Negra stumbled upon a small, secretive group of hedge wizards practicing their magic within the Christian city of Barcelona. Offended by this affront to the Order, the magi initiated contact with the new rivals rather bluntly: "join or die!"
Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism delves into the Jewish Quarters of Mythic Europe, investigating the full spectrum of Jewish law, history, faith, and legend. It reveals the mysteries of Kabbalah, its scope ranging from gematria to the Tree of Life to the creation of golems. In addition to providing full rules for creating kabbalist characters, it details two new classes of hedge wizards: baal shem and necromancers. Players and storyguides alike will find a wealth of information within.