This complete full-colour resource book is based on the popular El-Hazard Japanese anime series that debuted in Japan in 1995 (directed by Tenchi Muyo! co-creator Hiroki Hayashi). The series details the adventures of high school student Makoto Mizuhara after he is pulled into an alternate dimension, the magnificent fantasy world of El-Hazard. While in this beautiful and exotic land, Makoto is faced with new responsibilities as an emerging hero. A delightful cast of characters from both Earth and El-Hazard join Makoto in the battle against an evil insectoid empire, including his school teacher, Mr. Fujisawa, his classmate, Nanami, and three beautiful priestesses with awesome magical powers. With episode summaries, character bios, and setting details, combined with a complete role-playing game, this book is the ultimate fan guide to the El-Hazard series.