Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy – the three nations united by the Pact of Steel to form an Axis around which the world was to revolve. Three highly disparate countries, led by cruel regimes intent on conquering the world and bending it to fit their twisted vision of the future. By blood, sweat and superscience, they aimed to divide the world amongst themselves... or destroy it if they could not have it all.
This Gear Krieg supplement features:
- A brief history and overview of each nation's ground armed forces;
- Basic tables of oganization for the forces of Germany, Imperial Japan and Italy;
- Advanced rules for new Axis vehicles, weapons and units;
- Six tactical scenarios;
- Game statistics for over fifty combat vehicles.
Possession of the Gear Krieg rulebook (DP9-501) is required to use this manual. Possession of the Wargaming Companion (DP9-503) is recommended.
Stock number: DP9-505