Taking over writing duties on Conan the Barbarian in the early 1980s, Bruce Jones brought his humor and horror sensibilities-as well as his knack for telling great short stories-to the title, invigorating John Buscema, who returned to work on the series with Conan #136. In The Chronicles of Conan: Isle of the Dead and Other Stories, these two comic-book titans lead Conan on a thrilling tour of Hyboria-from the monster-infested Bossonian Marshes to the hideous slave markets of Belthem-as Conan encounters strange, supernatural foes, beguiling women, and overconfident rulers. o Stories like 'The River of Death,' 'Titan's Gambit,' and the two-part 'Spider Isle' adventure are meticulously restored and recolored, and Jones and Buscema are joined by such talents as Ernie Chan, Mark Silvestri, Val Mayerik, Alfredo Alcala, and others. o This volume collects Conan the Barbarian issues #135 to #142, including all original series covers. o Since rekindling the Conan franchise in 2004, Dark Horse has sold over 350,000 Conan graphic novels!