Through the millennia, it has known many names: Set, Surtur, Hel, Kutulu, Tiamat. The legends of this being stretch back beyond the memory of humankind. It is the Great Dark One. The source of misery, the bringer of despair, and the wellspring of human suffering.
Imprisoned in ages past, it has bided its time. When humans crawled from the evolutionary muck, it waited. As the first civilizations arose, it waited. When humanity first reached out for the skies, it waited. It waited for a time when it could be free to rule and torture.
That time has come. NASA's newest Comsat is beaming a strange and unknown signal to Mexico. The gods of the ancient Mayans are rising anew. Strange and horrible creatures stalk the night. These disparate threads hold the secret of the Dark One's return. The way is open for the coming of the Great Dark One.
Hidden away in this tangled skein of threads lies the terrible secret that can breach the walls of reality and herald the arrival of the greatest evil ever known.
The secret of Hellsgate.